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Home Automation

Home Automation services:

A Home Automation system integrates electrical devices in a house with each other via smart technology. It allows you to set scenes and modes, such as "Good Morning", blinds go up, lights in the bedroom slowly turn on, speaker system plays your favourite radio station and the coffee machine makes your favourite brew. Or you select "Movie" scene in your home theatre, The protector turns on, the screen drops down, the lights dim and the blue ray starts playing.

Home automation can also let you Integrate specialised apps to remotely control your home from anywhere in the world. Whether its a HVAC system thats cools the house down before you return or monitoring your CCTV from a Ipad or desktop. 

The benefits of a home automation system is not just the life style factor but also the potential cost savings by reducing your energy consumption.

Home automation services include:

  • Clipsal C-bus, Control4, Leviton, Fibaro Home centre, Loxone

  • Full home automation wiring Domestic and commerical 

  • Remote home control

  • Automated lights, blinds, Hvac, access control

  • Automated doors, gates, garage motors

  • Home theatre