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Smart Wiring

Smart wiring services:

Smart wiring is great option to your new home, renovations or office. With fibre now available through Nbn and other services, EpicElec can tailor the right smart wiring system to you. 

Smart Wiring is the standard home wiring system that lets you combine phone, free to air and pay TV cabling, Internet and much more at the same time whilst offering the flexibility to add and change in the future without expensive re-wiring costs. Smart Wiring is the most affordable way to make sure your home can handle technology.

Smart wiring services Includes:

  • Combine phone, free to air, pay t.v. data back to a central hub

  • Starserve installation through video systems 

  • integrate fibre systems such as Nbn to copper network

  • Pre-wire options

  • Conduit with draw string for future fibre