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Latest News


Daniel Black

With our need for greener and more efficient living why not make the switch to LED. The benefits could save you money, reduce the risk of a potential fire from old sources like halogen downlights, produce greater light output using less power consumption and have a longer lifetime than conventional light globes.

The Facts:

  • LED's use 90% less power than conventional light globes
  • LED's have a lifetime estimate of 60,000 to 100,000 hours, compared with the 1,000 hour lifetime of incandescent light bulbs and 5,000 to 10,000 hour lifetime of halogen globes.
  • LED lights generate very low heat 
  • They are better for the environment, as they don't contain harmful chemicals such as lead and mercury.

With the VEET government scheme offering rebates on certain LED products you may be entitled to some savings! Contact EpicElec for a free consultation and audit on you home or business and start the switch today.


Home Theatre Install

Daniel Black

Installing a new home theatre to your home is the perfect way to get that cinema experience. Through a surround sound system, projector on the ceiling, a drop down screen, starry ceiling the sky is the limit.