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Outlook Gardens

 Outlook Gardens Aged Care: (Wireless Access Point Completed Project)

Outlook Gardens Aged Care facility (OG) contacted EpicElec to ask for our assistance in upgrading their internal nurse emergency call systems. OG proposed the Vocera wireless pendants which required commercial grade wireless coverage. EpicElec (EE) and its team worked with BlueTeq who managed all the IT components of the project. BlueTeq Deployed Aerohive wireless access points and switching hardware, which EE installed.

This project was a two part process that involved EpicElec tendering for both projects that spanned over two years. Planning and implementation was paramount, working with aged care residents was a major operation. The Epicelec team had to ensure residents' care and safety was a high priority. This was done by liaising with Outlook Gardens management and nursing staff.

Scope of works:

Part one project, Included:

  • Wire and install data cabling for wireless access points to existing aged care facility

  • Install fibre backbone to core locations. 

  • Install data cabinets for cabling, patch panels, switches and computer equipment

  • Electrical circuit and isolator for all hardware with UPS backup. 

  • Test and certify all cables  

Part two project, Included:

  • Liaising with construction builder (inductions, safety meetings, OH&S and implementation)

  • Wire and install data cabling for wireless access points for new construction site 

  • Install fibre cabling to existing fibre backbone 

  • Install cable tray, cat wires and conduit works

  • Install data cabinets for cabling, patch panels, switches and computer equipment

  • Electrical circuit and isolator for all hardware with UPS backup.

  • Test and certify all cables  

After a successful job, EpicElec has since completed smaller projects for Outlook Gardens, including data wiring upgrades, wiring and installation of a complete CCTV system, monitors for CCTV and nurse call viewing and maintenance.