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Rail Europe

 Office Fit Out (Completed Project)

This project was tendered and won by EpicElec for RailPlus Australia (now RailEurope) for their city office. The company completely refurbished the office space going for an open plan. The scope of work required a new soft wiring system, 200 data points, patching to data panels, test and commissioning. The job was a quick turn around and had to be completed within 72 hours. This meant the team at EpicElec had to work 15 hours a day from Friday to Sunday, this was achieved by great planning, communication and a component team.

Works included:

  • Soft wiring and installation for 40 desks (power points, connectors and cages)

  • Roof mount Umbilicals for soft wiring and data cabling 

  • 200 x data points 

  • 5 x patch panels and cable management 

  • New circuits wired from the switchboard to desk locations 

Subsequent work followed for EpicElec, including board room upgrades (TV and projector mounts, wired back to desk mounts), TV display installs, test and tag (annual contract)